Kanetsune Katana with Cutting Test Inscription


Kanetsune katana with Cutting Test inscription


A very nice Kanetsune signed Katana with Cutting Test inscription, well made blade with excellent hamon very well forged hada with no Kizu, In shirasaya also has a very nice koshirae with excellent Menuki, Fuchi,Kashira. Iron Sukashi Namako Musashi style Tsuba

Noshu Seki ju Kanetsune
Yamada Gosaburo.
Toridoshi sangatsu jukunichi Bushu Kozukakapara ni oite taitai…

“[cut through a body] with the taitai cut at the Kozukahara execution grounds

in Musashi province present day Tokyo on the 19th day of the third month in the year of the bird”