Motokazu Tanto Mounted in Late Edo Koshirae



Motokazu Tanto Mounted in Ornate Late Edo Koshirae also with Shirasaya . NBTHK Hozon Certificate

NBTHK Hozon Certificate Translation

Tantō, signed: Motokazu (Inaba) ‒ Bunka jūichinen hachigatsu hi
(元⼀「因幡」・⽂化⼗⼀年⼋⽉⽇) ‒ “Motokazu (from Inaba),
on a day in the eighth month Bunka eleven (1814)”
nagasa ~ 23.0 cm

According to the result of the shinsa committee of our society, we judge this work as authentic
and rank it as Hozon Tōken.
December 3, 2021
[Foundation] Nihon Bijutsu Tōken Hozon Kyōkai, NBTHK (⽇本美術⼑劍保存協