Bizen Yokoyama Sukenari Katana with NTHK Certificate



Katana Signed Bizen Osafune-jū Yokoyama Sukenari kore o tsukuru,
Tenpō kyūnen hachigatsu hi ‒ Bingo Fukuyama ni oite
kore o kitaeru (備前⻑船住横⼭祐成造之、天保九年⼋⽉⽇
・於備後福⼭鍛之) ‒

“Forged by Yokoyama resident of Osafune in Bizen province, on a day of the
eighth month of Tenpō nine (1838) in Fukuyama in
Bingo province”

Shinogi-zukuri with iori-mune forged in an Itame Hada
Suguha with Gunome in front of Habaki . Bōshi is sugu with a
Nakago has 1 mekugi-ana yasurime  are kiri
The Katana is made by the first first generation Sukenari

Bizen Yokoyama Sukenari Katana Fully Restored in Japan with newly made saya and tsuka