Order Made Hamabe Toshiyuki Katana with Cutting Test by Yamada Asaemon Yoshitoshi NBTHK Tokubetsu Hozon Certificates

Katana, signed: Hazama Sukesada no ōju kore o tsukuru, Inhan Hamabe Kenryūshi
Toshiyuki, Tenpō jūni ushidoshi hachigatsu hi Tora kugatsu jūichinichi
Senju ni oite taitai dotanbarai kirite Yamada Gosaburō


“Made by the Inaba retainer Hamabe Kenryūshi Toshiyuki on request of
Hazama Sukesada on a day in the eighth month of Tenpō twelve (1841),
year of the ox. Tested by Yamada Gosaburō on the eleventh day of the
ninth month in the year of the tiger [1842] in Senju by cutting through a
body at the height of the collarbones and into the earthen mound below.”

nagasa ~ 63.6 cm



Kuro ishimenuri kochōkamonchirashi saya uchigatanakoshirae (石目胡蝶家紋
打刀) Uchigatanakoshirae featuring saya with black stone surface lacquer finish and a
décor of butterfly crests

Tsuba : Decorated with writings from the Analects of Confucius, signed: Toshiyuki kitaeru
Masayoshi horu Hazama Sukesada ōju (寿義彫応需) Forged by
Toshiyuki and engraved bo Masayoshi on request of Hazama Sukesada
Fuchigashira : Depicting an arrangement of ginkgo leaves, unsigned
Menuki : Depicting oxen
Tsuka : Covered with white same and wrapped morotsumamimaki style with black cord

Tsuba Translation

Signature on obverse:
Hazama Sukesada – Ōju
“On request of Hazama Sukesada”
Signature on reverse:
Toshiyuki kitaeru – Masayoshi horu
“[Plate] forged by Toshiyuki, engraved by Masayoshi”
Inscription on obverse

Mizunoe-tora tōjitsu sho
“Written on a winter day in the year of the tiger (1842)”
Inscription on reverse
Omoi nashi
Note: The inscription of obverse and reverse have to be combined to create the proverb Omoi
yokoshima nashi (思邪無), which means “no wicked thought” or “have no depraved thoughts”
and which goes back to Confucius


TOSHIYUKI (寿幸), Tenpō (天保, 1830-1844), Inaba/Edo – “Toshiyuki” (寿幸), “Hamabe Kenryūshi Toshiyuki
tsukuru” (浜部見龍子寿幸造), “Efu ni oite Hamabe Kenryūshi Toshiyuki tsukuru” (於江府浜部見龍子寿幸造),
“Bushū Naruko ni oite Hamabe Kenryūshi Toshiyuki kore o tsukuru” (於武州成子浜部見龍子寿幸造之, “made by
Hamabe Kenryūshi Toshiyuki in Naruko in Musashi province”), real name Hamabe Watomi (浜部和十郎), he was born
in the first year of Bunka (文化, 1804) as son of Hamabe Toshizane (寿実) in Tottori (鳥取) in Inaba province, his gō
was Kenryūshi (見龍子) and he was the 3rd gen. Hamabe, he also worked in Edo and died on the 21st day of the ninth
month Ansei three (安政, 1856) at the age of 53, dense ko-itame which tends to muji, chōji with a sugu-yakidashi, suguha, also
gunome-chōji, chūjō-saku