Tsugukiyo Kabuto Certified by the NKBKHK



Tetsu Sabiji Kabuto made by Tsugukiyo with Certificate by the NKBKHK

Certificate Translation

Nintei-sho (認定書) – Certificate

Mid-Edo period (江⼾時代中期)
Tetsu sabiji jūniken shinodare-tsuki suji-kabuto (鉄錆地⼗⼆間篠垂付
筋兜) – “Iron 12-plate ridged helmet in russet finish and with
shinodare accents”

Signed: Tsugukiro saku (次清作) – “Made by Tsugukiyo”

According to the result of the shinsa, we rank this work tokubetsu-kichō-shiryō
(especially valuable reference).
November 11, 2020

[Juridical Foundation] NKBKHK

[President] Nagata Hitoshi (永⽥仁志)

Certificate tokubetsu-kichō No. 1851

Head of appraisal committee: Takemura Masao + monogram (⽵村雅夫)

Appraisal committee: Nagata Hitoshi + monogram (永⽥仁志)
Nishioka Fumio + monogram (⻄岡⽂夫)
Kanno Shigeo + monogram (菅野茂雄)
Hino Hiroo + monogram (⽇野廣⽣